Tuesday, September 2, 2008

being a bitch is not why i got into music.

so i love the new 90210, 
or, as i'll be calling it, 902102

i'm addicted already, 
i'll vlog about it tomorrow probably.

i spent most, if not all of today, attempting to finish my room.
i know, what has it been like 5 months?
in dog years maybe.

in other news,
so i'll leave with a few pictures of me enjoying them,
in my new-kinda-almost-finished-room.

i scuffed my wall...
aaaaaand almost knocked over my computer taking the last one.

you're welcome.


Natalie said...

hahahahahaah you almost fell

Anonymous said...

I can't comment on the video w. the same name... anyway... I just got a link to this (http://www.cwtv.com/thecw/90210music) in my e-mail.