i've always thought that new year's resolutions where mostly bullshit,
i figure, if you want something to change,
then you shouldn't need some number on a calendar
to get you to participate in your life.
so last year i made several life resolutions
any time over the past year i've thought of things i want to change,
i'll make a mental note to insure i take steps towards a resolution;
at the end of last month i made a few wardrobe resolutions.
1. BOLD color choices
a) color blocking
b) make sure to cover "the primaries"
a) fitted blazers
b) trench coats
a) scarves
b) rosaries (i have a strange if not unfounded obsession with catseye rosaries)
c) bags
since making said resolutions;
i've purchased:
a burgundy cardigan,
six scarves (green, red, orange, purple, white, and yellow),
heather grey and mahogany blazers,
a white flat collar shawl cardigan,
a casual herringbone jacket,
and a black and white patterned vest.
oh and these...

they are seven pair for 5.50 and i LOVE them
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