Sunday, September 28, 2008
hold my hand while you cut me down.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
i'm a terrible person
okay, so my dad NEVER complains like EVER about anything,
and we're sure he's always in a reasonable amount of pain,
(he's had trouble walking for at least a year)
and today he's staying in bed not wanting to do anything
(he had three "accidents" yesterday and couple already today)
he's got a doctor's appointment tomorrow
none of this is why i'm terrible,
that's coming
yesterday i was watching grey's anatomy
and if you watch the show you know meridith's mother,
she has alzheimer's,
and doesn't have the slightest idea most of the time who meridith is,
well, they brought her into the hospital,
where meredith works,
they're rolling her in,
and she's just screaming
she doesn't know who anyone is,
and she's fighting everyone,
and just screaming at Meredith to leave,
yelling for her to leave,
i kind lost it,
like instant tears,
only for a second,
but it was this intense burst of crippling sadness,
and it kinda freaked me out
later in the episode,
she finds out her mom might have liver cancer,
and hopes secretly that she does
only she's wracked with guilt
"what kind of person wishes their mother had cancer?"
i'm terrible because he's my father,,
and i hope that tomorrow at the appointment,
they find something that means he has to go to the hospital,
and then at the hospital,
they find something they would have to operate on,
and because both my parents hearts are shot,
during his last triple bypass,
(yes there were others),
he had a stroke,
(thus the trouble walking),
and he was a vegetative state for three whole days,
surgery would kill him,
but then he would get to die on the table,
in his sleep...
i wouldn't have to watch him fall apart,
it's already starting,
and i know i can't do it,
i can't watch him slowly die,
and so i hope there's something wrong with him.
that's terrible to hope for anyone,
let alone your father.
i can't help wishing it though,
a series of events that would lead to a painless death,
he started laughing at my jokes the other day,
and asking me how i felt,
he's never done either.
he doesn't laugh at ANYTHING other than cops,
and that's only when it's really funny.
and he never asks anyone how they feel
and would never answer the question himself,
with any answer other than fine.
and now, today, he felt horrible.
i saw the look in my dad's face,
when we would visit his mother,
she only knew who he was part of the time,
it slowly ripped him apart.
i also sat in the car with my mom,
after we visited my grandfather in the facility.
he couldn't breathe on his own for 4 years before he died.
she would just sob silently,
they were almost 50 when it happened to them.
i can't do it,
not now,
not at 19.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
your eyes burn like stars
Monday, September 22, 2008
alone in my little world.
Friday, September 19, 2008
you don't know me at all.
dear friend,
all my shows start soon,
i went over to melissa's today,
we watched some behind the scenes stuff from ugly betty,
which of course made me UBER excited for the new season.
i love this week,
the first week all the shows come back,
setting the stage for all new seasons,
even more so after last year's strike.
(which broke my heart more than i'd like to admit)
i still wish i had a job though,
i don't really need the money right now,
but waiting for november is proving more tedious than i originally planned.
then there's the possibility i wont even get the job once i'm ale to apply again,
of course i hope i do,
it's part of the new life plan i've come up with.
(more on that once i've worked out the kinks)
till next time,
did you ever wish you could un-experience something?
just so you could feel it happen all over again.
i've been getting that feeling a lot lately.
it's not that i don't know why,
i just wish it were possible.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
i'm just a little bit caught in the middle
i need a job,
or at least somewhere to go.
i can't just be here watching tv and doing nothing.
in the past three weeks i've download and listened to the discography of at least 12 bands and artists,
seen four house episodes,
17 movie in and out of theaters,
researched apartments in various areas of greater chicago,
run out of deodorant,
sent irving (the ipod) and miles III (the env) to get replaced,
got miles back,
no irving till next wednesday thought...
which is fitting seeing as all i want to do lately is go to park and listen to my ipod,
i just want to be able to phase everything out,
like i could before.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
when we get home, i know we won't be home at all.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
be careful with your heart
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
your heart has a lack of colour,
and i should have known.
youtube REFUSES to let me post a video longer than 4 seconds,
bee tee double you; that took like 17 upload attempts to figure out.
i hope you appreciate this,
also i'm sorry youtube is being a thunder cunt.
of epic proportions i might add.
i'm GETTING one of these!
click to enlarge

Sunday, September 7, 2008
there's a soulmate for everyone

Friday, September 5, 2008
do you feel alive?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
take me above your life.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
being a bitch is not why i got into music.

Monday, September 1, 2008
i bought a one way ticket