Sunday, November 2, 2008

if we can just get through this one.

i have a new obsession,
(besides my re-obsessions with haines and heap)
by the start of the new year i want to get onto lookbook,

it's exactly what it sounds like.

you take pictures of yourself in various "looks"
since i'm completely consumed by fashion, 
and continue to dress myself daily,
i figure why not?
this whole internet-working thing i started was preserve who i am now,
for the me that will come later.

and there's nothing i love more right now that fashion
(ok it may be tied with music)
this is the best way to showcase my style,
also the hugely self obsessed part of me,
along with the most of the ocd outfit making parts,
will love coming up with looks to post on the site.

there's this application process i'll have to go through,
since i don't know any of the current members,
(i'm working on it though)
so the next post (or the one after) will be various looks
that the site admissions people(?) 
can take a look at to see "what i'll bring to the site."

i'll just be happy to have something to focus on.

as soon as i get accepted (positive thinking?)
i'm going to invite jenny and natalie to the site,
because they NEED more cute americans.

it rained ALL DAY today,
things are looking up.

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