Wednesday, July 16, 2008

you say my name like there should be an "us".

so i officially talked to natalie and caitlin a couple nights ago on ichat,

it was nothing short of FANTASTIC.

i might have to move my chicago relocation up a few years,
because it's getting to the point where, if i don't get to hang out with them in person i might die.

and i'd like to have that not happen.

in other news i had my interview for urban outfitters today,
i think it went tremendously well.

it was great because not only did they seem impressed that i've worked at h&m and banana republic,
but since i was already halfway down there, i got to go see david for a few hours,
and since it's been months now, that was uber superb.

i will be putting up another video tomorrow... 
i know, i know i keep saying that, but mitchell is being a complete cunt,
and refuses to cooperate in the video making process,
so i'm going over his head and i'll have lucy do it instead...

that being said i apologize in advance if the video records in sepia.

i'm almost done with are you there vodka? it's me chelsea
i realize that book titles should be underlined but blogspot is not giving me that option.

1 comment:

Natalie said...